Saturday 5 March 2016

I'm not interested in competing with anyone..gittew~

I'm not interested in competing with anyone . I hope we all make it.

I'm also not interested in your question unless you ask something existential.

Unless you ask something to be transformed - not just to be informed .

Also not just to be made more knowledgable.


Wah , Skipping ko haida lately. Berterabur ' nahu' ntah kemana. Tihtih.

Sorry la nak wat camner. Laki aku yang sekolah . Aku pun drag sekali. Best plak baca buku Military. Penuh strategi. Baik untuk atur taktikal bisnes. Tihtih

K. Bye.

#haidakamaruzaman #hkcc #kisahkutaksempurna


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